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Sarah Perkins 

1977  生於台南



1992 ●Master of Fine Arts degree at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL, May.

1979 ●Bachelor of Arts degree with double major in German and Art with metals emphasis at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA,                May.


●Decorative Arts Collection, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY.

●The Enamel Arts Foundation, Long Beach, CA

●Boston Museum of Fine Art, Boston, MA Collaborative cabinet with Charles Radtke

●Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI Collaborative piece “One of One” with Charles Radtke

●Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO

●Long Beach Art Museum, Long Beach, CA.

●Wichita Center for the Arts, Wichita, KS.

●National Ornamental Metals Museum, Memphis, TN.



2015 ●Best in Show in the “Alchemy 3” traveling international juried exhibition sponsored by the EnamelistSociety

2013 ●First Place, Objects in the “Alchemy II” exhibition sponsored by the Enamelist Society at the Carnegie

           Visual and Performing Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH

2012 ●Enamelist Society Membership Award at the “Beyond Borders: Experimentation and Innovation in

           Enameling” exhibition at the Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

2012 ●Juror’s Cash Award at the MOAK Four State Regional Exhibition, Springfield Art Museum, Springfield,MO

2011 ●Juror’s Award at the “Jewelry+Objects” exhibition at the Midland Museum of Art and Science,Midland, MI

2010 ●Southwest Missouri Museum Associates Purchase Award for a piece in the MOAK show, a regional

           juried exhibition at the Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO

2010 ●Best of Show Award at the “42nd Annual National Juried Exhibition”, a national juried crafts exhibition

           at the Octagon Art Center, Ames, IA

2009 ●“Creative contribution Award”, a lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of

           enameling from the Enamelist Society

2009 ●First Place Award in the Objects category at “Surfacing” the Enamelist Society international juried

           exhibition at Pro Arts at Oakland Art Gallery, Oakland, CA

2009 ●Director’s Purchase Award at the “Wichita National 2009” a national juried exhibition

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